Laurel Erilane

Laurel Erilane first discovered yoga in her adolescence, as an alternative to physical therapy, when several sports injuries prevented her from playing with such intensity. While in college, she fell in love with yoga at Laughing Lotus in NY and completed her advanced teacher training the year after graduation. She has maintained a consistent practice for over 20 years and has been teaching both in LA and internationally since 2009. Laurel is certified with over 1,000+ RYS training / 5,000+ teaching hours, learning alongside some of the most world-renowned instructors. She has helped thousands heal from life's obstacles and is continually called to build a community centered around mindfulness. 

With an in-depth knowledge of anatomy and kinesiology, her intelligent sequencing emphasizes proper anatomical alignment through both classical and modern variations. Her goal is to scientifically explain how the body and mind gracefully yoke in a flow state incorporating the union of breath and fluid movement with deep dynamic stretches and guided meditation. Well versed in the philosophy of yoga, she leads with authenticity, vulnerability & clarity. Her class will guide you to deepen your sense of self which will also support your life as you use the energy you create on the mat to uplift everyone around you. 

My Deity: Ganesha...  Sun: Pisces, Moon: Leo, Rising: Libra 


Bobby Rodriguez


Kishan Shah