Peter Anderson

Peter believes that it is through the body that we discover the True Self. His role as a teacher is first and foremost to guide; leading by example in a safe and welcoming environment. From there, he encourages self-exploration through focused flows as well as restful Yin. Practices from which detail and inquiry lead to strength and expansion. He started his yogic journey in New York City with the Jivamukti lineage and has since studied extensively with Lauren Eckstrom and Travis Eliot through their Holistic Yoga Flow teachings.

Peter also believes that our practice begins when we step off of the mat; he sees things most clearly when approaching the world based on his values of truth, learning, and choice. The opportunity we have each day to better the world by bettering ourselves is what drives him and he welcomes new experiences with open arms.

On a personal level his passions include cycling, food and nutrition, music, and visual arts. If you see him on the roads of Malibu, at the west side farmer's markets, or with a camera in hand, please say hello.


Carla Banks


Bobby Rodriguez